Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2 faced kristin smith "kalel" calls out elizabeth "blair" and lisa "elle"

the following was originally posted by kristin "kalel" in august. she has since deleted the blog and is now trying to become bff with blair. ha.


So the big buzz around youtube lately is that "Elle" (Allthatglitters21) and "Blair" (juicystar07) are big, conniving liars. What do you guys think about this?

The accusations are as follows:
-They have been using fake names
-They have been receiving money from companies in exchange for positive product reviews (before actually testing the products)
-They are threatening loyal subscribers & blocking anyone who questions any of the above information

Ok, so I honestly don't know what to think. I really have nothing against them; I actually kind of feel bad for them at this point. But what I can't comprehend is why they are still trying to deny everything. It is already a known FACT that their names are not Elle and Blair, but Lisa and Elizabeth. But really, I don't think that's too big of a deal. People are blowing up about it for no reason. I do think that the product reviews are a little ridiculous though. Is it just me or have they been doing A LOT of reviews lately? (Sunlove, AmiClubWear, Sigma...) I just don't understand how someone can feel guilt free about lying to so many people?
Why couldn't they have just said, "Yes, these products were sent to me by a sponsored company so that I could review them for you all."
But instead, they INSIST that they have never gotten paid for a review. It is a FACT that "Elle" got paid well for her Sunlove video. There is an ad on craigslist for online gurus to review the product for a good amount of money. I think this whole thing could've been avoided if they just would've been honest with everyone. I just hope they make a sincere apology and it blows over. I can't believe how many people are outraged over this though! So many videos talking about how mad people's crazy. Well I need to get some sleep because I move to back to the university tomorrow! Nite guys!

Posted by Kristin Smith "Kalel Cullen" / August 19, 2009 /



  2. where did you get this from? I never saw Kalel write this?

  3. how did you find this???? i ve looked everywhere.

  4. it was on her blog before she took all her posts down. someone told me how to google it and hit "cache" and it let me read the whole thing. i just copied and pasted it.

  5. its just funny b/c now she is claiming she only said OTHER people were saying stuff about them. it's very clear she was calling them out just as much. even talking about elle lying about sunlove. :)

  6. I definietly remember reading this on her original blog. I cant even believe shed write about something like this when she herself was lying about her name, too.

  7. i know right??? and now that the ftc has the new law, she is being shady with the disclosures. the same thing she criticized elizablair and liselle for doing.

  8. I remember reading this. And yes she very clearly accused them of lying here
    "I just don't understand how someone can feel guilt free about lying to so many people? "

    She did lie if she said she never called them out because here is proof.
    Someone should send this to blair and elle and her subscribers so they can see how 2 faced she is.

  9. hahaha it's baaaaaaccckkk
    just goes to show you things that you put on the internet are usually there forever if you know how to look

  10. lol I cant believe she said all this stuff when she does alot of the same things and then deleted it and is trying to be friends now and defend them.
    if thats not 2 faced I dont know what is!

  11. I started watching her vids a few months ago and she TOTALLY wrote this on her blog. I think she's a pathological liar.

  12. She really didn't say anything bad about them though. She just brought the news to the table. She didn't really say much of her own views about them but that she didn't have anything against them. Plus, Blair and Elle have seen this. Kalel has talked about it. You should get a life. You seem a little obsessed with her or something.

  13. BAHAHAHAHAHAH at the "im so over shane dawson!" comment hahahahaha

    of course youre over him kalel, he never wrote you back, despite your desperate attempts.

  14. I don't think that she really wrote this.
    Kalel says that when she writes thing (because she has OCD) she never uses slang, always writes in complete sentences and never spells anything wrong. Therefore she would never write Nite. And "i move to back to the university" doesn't make any sense. It should be "I move back to the university" The way Kalel is, she wouldn't have messed that up.

  15. I remembered I googled the truth about Elle and Blair and the original blog post of Kalel's was one of the first to pop up. I immediately subscribed to her because she seemed down to earth and actually gave a crap about the people who watched her, like we weren't JUST view counts. But now after hearing about how she's fame hungry and buddy buddy with the people she once had called out, my view on her has become a pretty negative one. You let us all down Kalel :(

  16. ^^ @ 2:37 this is a direct copy/paste from her blog she took down. someone was able to find it b/c google cache's every blog so they were able to pull it up. they even took screencaps of this straight from her original blog if you care to see. she wrote this word for freaking word.

  17. I think this is funny because you're acting like you caught her in something. She's not ashamed of this post. She linked the cache in her chat last night to hundreds of people. She herself did not call them liars, she just repeated what others were saying. She even said she had nothing against them and felt sorry for them! Grow the fuck up and quit trying to ruin other people's reputations because you have issues with yourself.

  18. for all the non-believers:
    Screencap 1:
    Screencap 2:
    Comments (lol one is by Camille :D )

    blog post 2:

    in this second blog post she says things like: "I am a big believer in never telling a lie"

    "Not to point fingers, but I know other gurus have done things of this sort. I know the money must be tempting, but when your whole life is a lie, is the money really worth it?""

  19. yeah 4:04 sup kalel.

  20. Straight from Kalels exact words:
    "But what I can't comprehend is why they are still trying to deny everything. It is already a known FACT that their names are not Elle and Blair, but Lisa and Elizabeth."

    odd now she calls her Blair though??? hahahahaha
    even though she herself said its a knows FACT her name is Elizabeth


  21. oh and she did write this go to google and type in

    elle and blair queenbeeuty

    te blog pops up it is at the botto click on cached and VOILA

    nice OCD hahahahaha not even using proper english "nite" hahahahah what a friggen joke she is

  22. The Wizard (covering up with the curtain): The Great Oz has spoken. Pay no attention to that man behind the has spoken.

    Dorothy (pulling aside the curtain): Who are you?

    The Wizard: I... I... I am the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz.

    Dorothy: You are? I don't believe you!

    The Wizard: I'm afraid it's true. There's no other Wizard except me.

    Scarecrow: You humbug!

  23. i totally read this on her blog.. two faced and a liar.

  24. I read all you said in her blog. I remember so well. And also you bring the facts.

  25. Omg I didnt know About all that! I was pissed off because of these lies about her name but trying to give her another chance but now I really dont know...

  26. i guarantee she never legally changed her name. she just said that to make her viewers feel a little better about being lied to. elle is lisa sylvia fowler and blair is elizabeth laura fowler. we will never know kalel's real name. i would have respected her a lot more if she said kalel is not my real name but i'm not telling you my real name for safety purposes or some shizz like that.

  27. she wanted to be more "hollywoodish" ?
    why did she came back home from her college? she said she has to help her family out.
    and what? she's sleeping days and doing videos nights!?
    I really used to like her but all of these lies, elle&blair drama, it's just too much for me :/


    here it is

  29. i think its creepy that you would screen shot some1's blog and re post it


    its in the past and she was hardly bad talking them

    well anyways even with all the weird people out there talking shit about she's still gonner be more popplular then them

    and i dout this a big deal to her since she made that vid telling us about thise tiny white lies

  30. guys almost all "youtube gurus" have cheated at some point. they lie/cheat to get views. sxephil..oh yeah..biggest liar ever..shanedawson has followed his shady footsteps. they've been using a program that refreshes the pages and changes their IP to make it seem like there's a bunch of people who "like" them. Beauty gurus hah! almost all of the "famous ones" have affiliated themselves with wellknown gurus to get a hold of this technology.

  31. the girl has "problems" ...if you know what i mean... just ignore her...

  32. hey guys! anyway! does anyone know where i can watch Kalel old videos? or download them?i would love to see her old videos again...they weren´t fake

  33. She's now deleted all her videos AGAIN.. I'm getting pretty tired of her. I used to like her so much, I felt like I had so much in common with her, and that she was a real down-to-earth, cool person. But I really don't think so anymore. I'm not gonna talk shit, I think that's kinda pathetic, but I'll just say that she needs to sort out what's more important, and what kind of person she wants to be. She did lie about a lot of things, and she owned up to it, but as far as I can tell, the lies have just kept comming, and she's gotten worse. I don't recognize her anymore. And one more thing, in one of her last videos (which is now deleted), she was promoting this self-tanning system thing that looked EXACTLY like the sunlove thing Elle was promoting like a year ago(that btw, Kalel gave her shit about). Everyone knows that sunlove was a fony of a company that tricked many people, and then deleted their own website. And suddenly, this new thing called something else contacts her, and she promotes it. I'm telling you, it was THE SAME THING as sunlove. And correct me if I'm wrong, she had a contest for her subscribers where they could win this stuff, and the never announced the winners. I feel really stupid and pathetic for writing about this, but I have to say, Kalel annoys me. She's changed so much since I first discovered her, and she's turned into everything she ever denied she would.

  34. god bless americaMay 3, 2010 at 4:29 PM

    I complelty agree w/ the person above. I love Kalel's old videos. I found her during the summer and it was amazing to find a genuine, down-to-earth guru that i could relate too considering almost all the current gurus are spoiled rich kids or complete and utter liars. I know "rich" gurus cannot help their wealth, trust me I know. I still watch those ones but it makes it harder for me to realate to them. I was happy to find Kalel because it seemed like she was a grateful person and it seemed like she worked for her stuff. Yes she lied, but when she owned up, I didn't care. I personally never knew about these "issues" and I'm sure majority of her subscribers didn't either. She brought it upon her self by deleting all her videos and making the video where she "came clean." It was actually a good thing that she owned up but it was really shady that she deleted her old videos. If you already owned up why would you have to delete all your old videos? It doesn't make sense to me and now that I look back she was probably holding back something. Oh and things are getting worse for her these days. She's been acting very sneaky, and yes honestly two faced. Awhile ago it was hard for her to understand how Elle and Blair could sleep at night knowing what they do... Well Kalel, how do you how do you sleep? She had been doing so many things she shunned Elle and Blair for doing. Everytime she deletes all of her videos I lose more and more respect for her. I believe shes deleted them 2 or 3 times recently.... Every time she does it, I know she's hiding something. I really don't know if Kalel will be able to recover because I atleast have some "respect" for Elle and Blair these days, mainly Elle. I have just about 0 respect for Kalel. Umphh..... =/

    Kalel Gurrrlllll; its time to clean out your closet.

    PS. to all the dipshits who say this blog was never posted it deff was. I saw it with my own two eyes and there is proof. grow up. if you think that we're being so immature by positng/commenting on this blog and what not... why are you looking at it in the first place....stop wasting your time commenting on this blog and scratch your butt.

    1. she deleted her videos 'cause she was really ashamed and just wished she could litteraly erase thet part of her life

  35. YEP this blog was def. posted. that's how i found out about the blair/elle drama in the first place was b/c kalel made a blog addressing it. this is word for word what she said. kalel even recently admitted she wrote it and said she felt bad afterwards which is why she took it down. too bad someone was able to retrieve it from google cache! nice work! :)

  36. i dont really care cuz kalel is HOT as HELL


  38. Last Anon post - You, my friend, know exactly what the internet cares about.

  39. i don't understand why she STILL deletes her videos... people must be asking her where they've gone, she's gotten herself a lot of subscribers since i first heard of her.
    i don't think the whole lying situation was that much of a big deal, she didn't lie about anything significant, but the fact that she covered it up by deleting everything left more questions than answers. it would have been so much easier to own up to it and leave it public for people to hear it from her first hand than to try to run away from it and "forget it." now people get their answers secondhand, asking other people on google and getting mixed information...
    i liked her when i first heard of her. she seemed genuine. now i just don't know. i remember in one of her videos she said it was for when she had 100,000 subscribers, like all she wants is popularity. that doesn't make for an honest or trustworthy "guru." she seemed like a real person before, fun and relatable. now it just seems like she has surrounded herself with drama and more famous friends than herself to leech off of. maybe if she came out and set the record straight. i don't hate her, but i can't trust that her reviews, or her, are honest. i'd be upset if she takes the spot of one of the most subscribed of all time. there are plenty of people who genuinely have fun doing makeup, and don't have an exclusive collection of limited edition mac products.
    i think she's just trying to get her name out there to make money without actually getting a job, either living off of youtube money or trying to make it as an actress. good luck to her since she named herself after a twilight character.

    1. 1, she named herself after Superman, 2 she hates twilight, and 3, when she changed her name twilight DIDN'T EVEN EXIST

  40. @

    ewwww, a-cup..

    i think it's funny that her least watched video is the one where she wants to meet people... kalel can't pull a large crowd. and not everyone makes youtube money to fly out to california for a self-promoting popularity contest like some people do, especially when all of your fans are the underage crowd who still live with mommy and daddy.

    she's going downhill

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  44. this is not kalel.She doesnt spell night as nite.

    and kalel legally changed her name when she was 18

    1. um, considering kalel ADMITTED she wrote all of that about Elle and blair, you look like an idiot saying it wasn't her. ask HER and she will confirm, numb nuts. btw, she ALSO ADMITTED she never legally changed her name, so idk where you're getting that b.s from. she did a video admitting she is still legally known as Kristin Smith. her drivers license, birth certificate, passport, etc.. all say Kristin. maybe you should step out of "kalel"'s ass long enough to make yourself aware of the well known facts before you comment saying she legally changed her name to kalel (FALSE - and she admitted her legal name is still Kristin Smith) - and as of 2015, she is STILL legally using her real name, NOT the ridiculous "kalel" or "kahh-lul" as she pronounces it. look at her "secret" social media profiles that she keeps private for her in real life friends and family- it's KRISTIN SMITH!

  45. oh and kalel has sort of started a new life so i think everyone should forget about this

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  50. Guys, if Anthony is going to marry her then she must be a good person, so stfu and quit hating.

    1. you dick. she used to not. she is nice now. thats 2009. and now its 2013. get over it. why would you even write a comment in here?

    2. except he isn't marrying her. hahahah um... eat your words. ;)

  51. She wasn't even rude? She was basically just saying what the "news" was and what everyone was talking about. The only thing I could tell that was "untrustworthy" with her was the whole "lying" thing, but goodness, who DOESN'T lie? Especially an aspiring YouTuber. I mean, if I were to make videos, I'd definitely be lying until I felt comfortable enough to be truthful about certain things. The internet is a scary place. I think Kalel is incredibly sweet and very gorgeous - she was never outright rude to anyone. I'm so glad Anthony proposed to her, I think they're both adorable.

  52. She is getting married now with anthony, he is a nice guy, she is a nice girl, srsly guys, get over it, everybody makes mistakes.. and btw, she legally changed her name when she was 18

  53. wait did kalel do anything bad

  54. I agree with the last couple of posters. Kalel legally changed her name when she was eighteen simply because she is a big Superman fan and thought her birth name was unfitting. She is a lovely, sweet and kind girl who is now grown up and engaged to Anthony Padilla, a really sweet and funny man who is perfect for her. They are both lovely people, so please leave them alone to live their lives. Whatever happened n the past is forgotten about and she didn't even do anything wrong in the first place, other than post on her blog. Everyone is entitled to post whatever they want on their blog/s. And anyway, she has moved on, as should you.

    1. Amen sister/bro... I totally agree...It's like getting pissed because your of somthing that happened 3 years ago with your ex... i's over, so go find somthing else to bitch about, 'cause they're actually really nice people that care about each other, so just let them live in peace, or as mutch peace as youtubers can get...

  55. Nobody Fucking Cares.

  56. all of you just need to shut the fuck up because im hearing some really biased people. get over it, its done. i hate kalel more than ever, but we cant do anything about the engagement, so just drop it.

  57. Holly shit! How did I end up here, who are these girls?!
    You should get a life...

  58. Oh my freaking god. You are just a freaking spoiled brat! Kalel is nothing like that. How dare you say that about her? You ungrateful human!

  59. I'm glad some people think they share this and it's okay. Kalel has changed because of her past and giving her a hard time is making it harder to ignore the past. She's my idol, I love her and nobody can change that. But people need to realize that one word can change SOMEONE! God knows how Kalel feels about this, what if she's so smiley on camera but off camera she cries or cuts or some other horrible stuff. So what she lied about things and called people out?! Everyone does! It's part of the human life, now please just back off of Kalel and keep hurtful or rude opinions to yourself. If you can do this and get a grip of other people and how they may feel about this, then we can negotiate kindly! :)

  60. for some reason, i enjoy looking through these comments xDD
